Saturday, Sept 28, 2013

up at 4:30.  it is 6:20 now and still dark outside.  played golf yesterday, and playing again in an hour.  and I have golf induced pain this morning.  one can only guess what a physical wreck I will be later today.  how the mighty have fallen - sore from playing golf.  who would have thunk it???  but - it will be good to get out and walk.  and take about 100 shots.  and lose 5 or 6 balls. 

but, it is Saturday, and I can self medicate later while watching college football. 

Golf buds - played with an old friend yesterday, and playing with an old friend today.  I may suck at golf, but it is a nice mechanism to stay connected with folks you wish to stay connected to.  I have never been too big on playing for business reasons.  it is always better to spend time on the course than in the office.  but to stay in touch with friends from way back and staying connected by the mutual frustration called golf is worth the golf induced pain we face.  and so now I will trudge out the door, bottle of Gatorade in hand, and prepare for battle.  really, prepare for golf, but let's dramatize a bit, shall we?


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