
Showing posts from November, 2013

Friday, Nov 29, 2013

the day after Thanksgiving.  good to have a day off - the company is open, so those of us taking off have to take a vacation day.  My daughter's boyfriend is from the Netherlands...and was saying that all business here are closed between Christmas and New which I said - no, most companies don't really give a shit about their employees, so most companies expect business as usual. the knockout game.  a happy little term given to black on white unprovoked crime. a black kid approaches a white person and hits them in an attempt to knock them out.  and the media calls it a game.... remember when the term "flash mob" referred to a bunch of people that would gather in one spot and break out in organized dance?  then when the black mobs began gathering to beat and rob whites, the media called them flash mobs?  gotta give a happy little name, because

Thursday, November 28, 2013 - Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving...a nice holiday - free of the mayhem of Christmas.  It used to be that almost all business were closed the day after Thanksgiving, but not so much anymore.  We Americans - we will do anything for money. but - back to Thanksgiving....all the facebook page updates telling us that our facebook friends are thankful for this or that.  but, it is true.  most of us have far more to be thankful for than we do to fret about.  at least for one day we can step back and realize that we do have it pretty good.  so, for today, that is what I will do.  because I am one of those whose plusses far outweigh their minuses.... anyway, this will serve as my facebook page update to have a happy Thanksgiving.  it is now 5:23 am....I will go to the store when it opens at 6, but I really don't need anything..hey - I can be thankful for that.

Sunday, Nov 24, 2013

Winter is here.  temp is in single digits.  I took the golf clubs out of my trunk yesterday and started up the snowblower.  so that makes it official.  good day to stay inside and watch football.  after I get to the health club...for what passes for a workout these days.  but it is better than nothing. great that we now have some resolution on the Iran nuclear issue.  that accomplishment should negate the fact that the economy remains in the shitter, the race war continues unabated, obamacare is a disaster....yea...the Iran thing makes it all ok. right?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

with all the excitement this week of........wait...with how busy I was this week doing....wait..... I forgot to write of a story that I was actually very proud of...and validates some of the guidance I have tried to give my son... on Monday night, the basketball coaches came over to talk. they are meeting with all the parents of the senior players since the season is starting.  they talked about how well he is doing, and how hard he works, and that he is a leader.  and the coach said that as a freshman, he barely made the team and  is now starting as a senior.  the coach said he tells the freshman players about Dave to inspire them to work hard.  I was so proud of him, and how hard he has worked to make himself a player.  it is no doubt due largely to the fact that I coached him from 2nd to 8th grade, right?  and, I had a much better shot than he does....because, remember - the older I get, the better I used to be. i know i am full of bluster and bs...but when you hear someone ta

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

woke up with a headache today...I wonder why...oh yea - vodka.  I think I will pass on vodka from now on.  You can't drink it straight, and I don't like orange juice enough to drink more than one glass a week.  my idea of a mixed drink is putting 4 ice cubes in a glass and adding bourbon until the ice cubes float.  perfect every time. so many stories now about the health care debacle.  the whole situation underscores that shoddy, unorganized work is now the norm in this country.  we elected a president who previously never held a job.  and then was hired for the most important job in the world.  is the fact that he is a failure a surprise to anyone?  maybe oprah can call us racists again for having high expectations for the person holding the most important job in the world.  or maybe her vajayjay is painin. and she's a billionaire.  what did we do wrong?  

tues/weds nov 19, 2013

vodka...I never drink vodka.  but tonight I had a few vodka drinks....and I can't sleep  I thought a few drinks would help you fall asleep...but I guess vodka does not...lesson learned..but, now I am awake and ready to really accomplish great things...not.  I wish I had drank a few bourbons...I would be getting elbowed in the back for snoring, but I would be sleeping.  my snoring never keeps me up.  others...maybe. oh...did I tell you that I golfed on Saturday.  played like shit, but played.  props to Kev and Tim for a year end round. what do I do?  it is 11:20....would more vodka keep me awake??  I must determine the answer to that question....I will let you know..what science projects are you doing???

Friday, November 15, 2013

tgif.  playing golf tomorrow. no matter how bad I play, it will be nice to put a period on the sentence that was the 2013 golf season.  and I sucked.  big time.  maybe that is my strength - sucking at golf.  I will be good tomorrow - at sucking at golf.  so there haters.  (note to self - there are no haters about your golf game because everybody sucks at golf) anyway...why is it that when you are home alone, and can get anything you want to eat, you put a frozen pizza in the oven, and enjoy the delicious tomato sauce over cardboard goodness?

Thursday, Nov 14, 2013

I was watching the news just now and they were talking about a toymaker, and his signature accomplishment was a spring operated toy that was poorly designed, and it blinded 35 kids, and severely injured 300 more kids.  but, the toymaker was an inexperienced minority, and to criticize him would be racist, so the toymaker is allowed to make other toys...some may blind more kids, but we don't want to be accused of being racist, so he will keep making kid-blinding toys. actually, the news story was talking about Obama's signature accomplishment...the affordable healthcare act.  what a trainwreck.  but - it is Obama's signature accomplishment.  just as the space shuttle blowing up (twice) was NASA's signature accomplishment.  where is the outrage?  where are the occupy wall street crowd protesting and deficating in the streets?  oh...can't besmirch the messiah, can we?   like the handicapped kid that the opposing football team is forced to let run for a touchdown, we

Wednesday, Nov 13, 2013

here is an article that should benefit all of us: the article was the 5 things newlyweds can learn from Carrie Underwoods marriage.  the first thing was if you look like Carrie Underwood, you can pretty much give the world the middle finger each and every day.  the other 4 things....who cares. but, I bet her husband is probably sick of her by now. our messiah continues to work his magic and is magically transforming the country...I see one million CA residents lost health coverage. has there ever been a more poorly conceived, poorly tested, poorly implemented program of this magnitude?  but, our parasites need what they need.  eacho peez. (I have not used that brilliant saying in months)

Tuesday, Nov 12, 2013

Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen....11/12/13 - a date anomoly.  let's all go get married to commerate this really numerically unique day.  or, as an alternative,  let's do the same thing we do each and every day.  most of us will be doing that no doubt.  let one more day slip into the morass of non-descriptness....(non-descriptivity??) so, today my knee hurts due to arthritis, and i am stuck in a rut.  woe is me.... but...a girl in my dept had her townhouse burn down yesterday.  a total loss.  the devastation in the Phillipines is terrible.  10,000 dead.  a day like this makes you realize the problems most of us have are chickenshit compared to real problems.  and if nothing else, are a slap in the face and a reminder that so many people are facing real, life changing problems.  so, i have no right to bitch. unless it is about the weather.  this cold weather sucks.  we all reserve the right to bitch about the weather.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

not too bad outside today.  I guess I will have to rake the leaves and do some other winter prep.  dare I say gas up the snowblower too?   yikes. On the blog stats, I sometimes look at the old posts that are being read.  then I go and read them....seems like I have been writing about how bad things are for awhile.  and they seem to be getting worse, don't they?  at least from the standpoint that I am writing from.  we are in the middle of the country being fundamentally transformed.  from a once strong, proud country to this....did you ever think you would see such a slide?  the US is losing respect around the globe.  one poorly thought out initiative after another being forced upon the fed up have to wonder if there will be any ability to recover after all the damage that has been done.  skyrocketing debt, rising unemployment, record numbers on the government dole, record government pension payments.  what is there for the rest of us?  other than our obligation

Friday, November 8, 2013

Finally long last. frost every morning now.  the ground covered with leaves.  the transition from the pleasant fall weather to the cold early winter weather is so stark and sudden....unlike the transition from spring to early summer...or at least it seems that way. as I have written ad nauseum a few times before, I really don't think the country is headed on the right track.  scandal after scandal.  this transformation that the president mentioned has not been a transformation for the better.  for the betterment of the parasites, yes.  for the betterment of the rest of us, no.  look at what a disaster obamacare it - untested, unprepared - and it is foisted upon the country and exposes many to penalties if they do not comply.  what if a drug company distrubuted a drug that was so poorly tested?  what if Boeing began using a new model airplane that was so poorly tested?  we have regulatory agencies to make sure these things don't happen.  but, our parasites need wh

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I had a gap of no posting there...must have been busy enjoying this lousy weather.  and it is lousy...gray, wet...late fall weather.  where did summer go?  every year it passes by more quickly. still plugging what, I can't really tell you.  at life, I guess.  while my son prepares for the start of basketball season, I prepare for the start of....of.....I can't really say.  maybe I need to prepare for the start of something.  he always seems to be excited about preparing for the start of something.  maybe that is the adults we don't have occasion to start much new...we are in a rut, so starting something is out of the question.  so, today I will start....anything but a diet.  oh, and the DeMille book I was reading was not one of his best.  on to the next book.  maybe that is what I will start.