Saturday, November 9, 2013

not too bad outside today.  I guess I will have to rake the leaves and do some other winter prep.  dare I say gas up the snowblower too?   yikes.

On the blog stats, I sometimes look at the old posts that are being read.  then I go and read them....seems like I have been writing about how bad things are for awhile.  and they seem to be getting worse, don't they?  at least from the standpoint that I am writing from.  we are in the middle of the country being fundamentally transformed.  from a once strong, proud country to this....did you ever think you would see such a slide?  the US is losing respect around the globe.  one poorly thought out initiative after another being forced upon the fed up have to wonder if there will be any ability to recover after all the damage that has been done.  skyrocketing debt, rising unemployment, record numbers on the government dole, record government pension payments.  what is there for the rest of us?  other than our obligation to support an ever growing number of parasites.

what a mess.  we have no one to blame but ourselves.  now sit back and enjoy watching the fundamental transformation of this once great country.  (I was going to make the analogy of the body's ability to transform a beautiful presentation of a plate of sushi to a pile of fecal matter, but I won't....oh wait, I just did).


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