Thursday, November 28, 2013 - Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving...a nice holiday - free of the mayhem of Christmas.  It used to be that almost all business were closed the day after Thanksgiving, but not so much anymore.  We Americans - we will do anything for money.

but - back to Thanksgiving....all the facebook page updates telling us that our facebook friends are thankful for this or that.  but, it is true.  most of us have far more to be thankful for than we do to fret about.  at least for one day we can step back and realize that we do have it pretty good.  so, for today, that is what I will do.  because I am one of those whose plusses far outweigh their minuses....

anyway, this will serve as my facebook page update to have a happy Thanksgiving. 

it is now 5:23 am....I will go to the store when it opens at 6, but I really don't need anything..hey - I can be thankful for that.


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