Thursday, Nov 14, 2013

I was watching the news just now and they were talking about a toymaker, and his signature accomplishment was a spring operated toy that was poorly designed, and it blinded 35 kids, and severely injured 300 more kids.  but, the toymaker was an inexperienced minority, and to criticize him would be racist, so the toymaker is allowed to make other toys...some may blind more kids, but we don't want to be accused of being racist, so he will keep making kid-blinding toys.

actually, the news story was talking about Obama's signature accomplishment...the affordable healthcare act.  what a trainwreck.  but - it is Obama's signature accomplishment.  just as the space shuttle blowing up (twice) was NASA's signature accomplishment.  where is the outrage?  where are the occupy wall street crowd protesting and deficating in the streets?  oh...can't besmirch the messiah, can we?   like the handicapped kid that the opposing football team is forced to let run for a touchdown, we have elected an incapable leader, so we must all fall down and not tackle him as he feebly tries to run to the line of scrimmage.  he cannot succeed on talent, so he needs for his opposition to have pity on him, lest they be called bullies, teabaggers..or worse...racists. 

at this point we have no choice but to shake our heads and let him fail for the next 3 years.  maybe the next president won't be such an abysmal failure.  won't be hard to be less of a failure than this trainwreck. 


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