Friday, Nov 29, 2013

the day after Thanksgiving.  good to have a day off - the company is open, so those of us taking off have to take a vacation day.  My daughter's boyfriend is from the Netherlands...and was saying that all business here are closed between Christmas and New which I said - no, most companies don't really give a shit about their employees, so most companies expect business as usual.

the knockout game.  a happy little term given to black on white unprovoked crime. a black kid approaches a white person and hits them in an attempt to knock them out.  and the media calls it a game....

remember when the term "flash mob" referred to a bunch of people that would gather in one spot and break out in organized dance?  then when the black mobs began gathering to beat and rob whites, the media called them flash mobs?  gotta give a happy little name, because hate crime is a little too strong...unless the criminal is white.

this just in....Germany said there was no Holocaust....they were just playing the Furnace Game.   the KKK said there was no racial intimidation, they were just playing the "burn the cross game".  the Vatican said there was no priest sexual abuse issue - the priests were just playing the "hide the sausage game".  Charles Manson said his followers were not murderers, they were just playing the "stab the actress game".  John Wayne Gacy was not a mass murderer - he was just playing the "bury 32 kids in the crawlspace game". 

wow - see how everything is a lot happier when you make a game of it?  then it's not really a crime.


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