
Showing posts from November, 2018

Friday, Nov 30, 2018

I haven't posted in over a week.  nothing new...job search is slow.  Looking forward to getting the procedure on Dec 11.  If the search remains this slow, will go to Florida for awhile.  Maybe I have a future as a bartender.  Who knows???  At any rate, it's nice and sunny.  Supposed to rain all weekend.  and, of course, we had the blizzard last Sunday.  all the more reason to move to Florida.  but, it's a tradeoff - blizzards vs hurricanes.  decisions..decisions.  ok...back to the fruitless job search.  I will have to be a bit more diligent in posting on the blog.  keep those creative juices flowing.

Nov 22, 2018. Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all.   and a very nice day it was.  Went to the health club, a friend came over for lunch then to by my brothers for dinner with his family.  Everything was very nice.  Last year at this time I was living with my bro and sister in law.  And for them I am thankful.  For good friends I am thankful.  and for my health I am thankful.  and for the circumstances that led to the detection of early stage cancer I am thankful. I do hope everyone had as good a day as I did.  Best day ever, by far.  However, playing golf tomorrow in what is supposed to be decent weather, so there may be a new best day ever tomorrow.

Monday, Nov 19, 2018

I last posted on Wednesday..5 days ago.  It is scary how quickly 5 days passes by.  Being unemployed, I always think I should have done more in those 5 days....but really, what can I do that I am not doing?  and so, the goal is enjoy each day.  I am living the life of a lottery winner, except for not having any money. Thanksgiving week...nothing gets done this week, if memory serves from the days when I had a job.  actually if you think of it, there are scores of people in jobs that really don't do anything any week of the year.  I would imagine you know a few. looking good for golf on Friday.  This will probably be it.  until I move to Florida in January.  Then I can golf in the winter. 3 weeks from tomorrow for the cancer eradication procedure.  Ready to get that done and move on.  The nurse told me that most guys that have the procedure golf better afterwards.  Then she looked at me and said she was just kidding.  As if I was a dullard and would not have know

Wednesday, Nov 14, 2018

I was having a cocktail with a friend earlier and I raised a toast and said "to a happy Monday".  except today was Wednesday.  aren't you all jealous that I can make that mistake...not counting days til Friday...having a glass of wine at 5:00....livin large. but the really good news is that the intrusive scan I had yesterday showed my prostate can be accessed by 15 needles through my perineum while being monitored with a probe in my rectum.  Great news, huh???  (sarcasm intended).  sorry for the clinical description, but we find good news where we can.  Life...ain't it grand??? oh, and Oak Island sucked last night...all 2 hours of it.  and looking forward to a crappy episode of survivor.  but, Ultimate Fighter may be good at 9 pm. I got some drafts of artwork for my book, of Danny, Jim and Don.  Looks really good. 

Tuesday, Nov 13, 2018

Sunny but cold out.  I am still hoping to play a few more rounds of golf before the winter. No health club this morning.  I would usually go at 9:30 each morning, but I have an ultrasound today.  Hopefully that goes well and the procedure can go as planned on Dec 11.  No action in the job market.  There never is much happening this time of year.  But, I will be back on the search when I get back from the doctor.  then back to the health club tomorrow. have a good day - stay warm. 

Sunday, Nov 11, 2018

Veterans Day.  Thanks to our veterans and those currently serving.  I was too young for Viet Nam and didn't have to register for the draft.  Men of our parents ages served in WW2, and guys not much older than I served in Viet Nam.  Those were real men.  so, honor the veterans you know and those you don't as well. Way too cold to golf today.  My friend and I are going to play on Thursday if we can find a place that has not yet closed.  Sunday - NFL games today.  Going to a friend's for the Bears game.  I will probably watch Nascar after that.  Then tomorrow back on the job search.  I got a call Friday to schedule the procedure (Dec 11) so that is my immediate focus.  Looking more like a move to Florida is coming in January.  I can't see paying rent each month when I have no idea when I will get a job.  So, I will have the opportunity to see my mom for awhile, and with the change in our weather, I am looking forward to it.  make it a good Sunday.  no...make it the

Thursday, Nov 8, 2018

My friend and I were thinking of playing golf today, but the 2-par 3 courses in the area are now closed for the winter.  On November 8.  It's not that bad, but golf in 35 degree weather probably doesn't pay the courses' bills to stay open.  There are a few 18 hole courses we will still play on the weekends until winter really hits.  No action in the job search, so it looks like I will head to Florida in January.  With my luck I will put the wheels in motion, then get an offer.  but who Tom Hanks said "you never know what the tide will bring in".  I hope it brings me a winning lotto ticket.  It would make life so much easier.  Although with the luck I've had this year, the cancer would spread and I'd be in the ground before the ticket was cashed. but...I will deal with that problem in the likely event it happens in the next few weeks.

Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018

Fall is becoming late fall.  Cold winds....chilly.  Happens every year.  Job search is going no where.  Looks like Florida is in my future.  Hitting the road in mid January.  Making progress on getting the book published, so the 2 readers of this blog can count on a signed copy.  We golfed on a constant cold downpour.  In Canada, we fish during any weather since we have 7 days and we traveled a long way to get there.  However, golfing in 40 degrees and rain is absolutely no fun at all.  But that won't stop me from doing it again.  and...I had a very nice call today.  The insurance company assigned a case worker to me, as they must do with cancer patients.  My case is not too bad but the caseworker was so pleasant, gave me her number and told me to call anytime.  made my day.  I don't think much is on tv tonight...Survivor will be on tomorrow, and it will suck.  and Oak Island starts next week, and that will really suck.  I will no doubt watch every episode.  B

Friday, Nov 2, 2018

I haven't posted since last Weds.  But have been busy being busy.  Job search, health club most days.  Nothing happening in the job market, and it's not just me, so I have to just keep grinding on.  I have had a few doctor appointments in the last week, and got to use my oncology parking pass, so now I am a big shot. Really feels like late fall now.  I played golf yesterday and it was chilly, but nice.  Supposed to rain this weekend, which makes sense because 8 of us are supposed to golf Sunday.  Hopefully we get to play.  I hear on the news the October jobs report was a good one.  No one asked me for my opinion.  I guess if you want to sort packages for Amazon things are good.