Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018

Fall is becoming late fall.  Cold winds....chilly.  Happens every year. 
Job search is going no where.  Looks like Florida is in my future.  Hitting the road in mid January.  Making progress on getting the book published, so the 2 readers of this blog can count on a signed copy. 
We golfed on Sunday...in a constant cold downpour.  In Canada, we fish during any weather since we have 7 days and we traveled a long way to get there.  However, golfing in 40 degrees and rain is absolutely no fun at all.  But that won't stop me from doing it again. 

and...I had a very nice call today.  The insurance company assigned a case worker to me, as they must do with cancer patients.  My case is not too bad but the caseworker was so pleasant, gave me her number and told me to call anytime.  made my day. 

I don't think much is on tv tonight...Survivor will be on tomorrow, and it will suck.  and Oak Island starts next week, and that will really suck.  I will no doubt watch every episode.  Because this is the year they will find the treasure. 

also, I had 154 page reads today from an unknown source.  I still think I will be the next king of United Arab Emirates.  that is where those reads usually come from. 


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