Wednesday, Nov 14, 2018

I was having a cocktail with a friend earlier and I raised a toast and said "to a happy Monday".  except today was Wednesday.  aren't you all jealous that I can make that mistake...not counting days til Friday...having a glass of wine at 5:00....livin large.

but the really good news is that the intrusive scan I had yesterday showed my prostate can be accessed by 15 needles through my perineum while being monitored with a probe in my rectum.  Great news, huh???  (sarcasm intended). 

sorry for the clinical description, but we find good news where we can. 

Life...ain't it grand???

oh, and Oak Island sucked last night...all 2 hours of it.  and looking forward to a crappy episode of survivor.  but, Ultimate Fighter may be good at 9 pm.

I got some drafts of artwork for my book, of Danny, Jim and Don.  Looks really good. 


Previewing Don.png


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