Sunday, Nov 11, 2018

Veterans Day.  Thanks to our veterans and those currently serving.  I was too young for Viet Nam and didn't have to register for the draft.  Men of our parents ages served in WW2, and guys not much older than I served in Viet Nam.  Those were real men.  so, honor the veterans you know and those you don't as well.

Way too cold to golf today.  My friend and I are going to play on Thursday if we can find a place that has not yet closed. 

Sunday - NFL games today.  Going to a friend's for the Bears game.  I will probably watch Nascar after that.  Then tomorrow back on the job search. 

I got a call Friday to schedule the procedure (Dec 11) so that is my immediate focus.  Looking more like a move to Florida is coming in January.  I can't see paying rent each month when I have no idea when I will get a job.  So, I will have the opportunity to see my mom for awhile, and with the change in our weather, I am looking forward to it. 

make it a good Sunday.  no...make it the best Sunday ever.  I have not changed my mantra, and you should not have either.


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