
Showing posts from June, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

writing this on Thursday, but figured I needed some content to post before the weekend so I will get off easy on Friday. how nice that we are embracing illegals and gays.  if you are an illegal, our congress is voting on bills to legalize provide benefits for take money that should be spent on real Americans and spend it on you.  but - we must provide for our parasites. whatever happened to following the laws of the land.  if you are a european american, your ancestors had to wait in line.  they did not come over to the US, step on US soil and demand money, and demand that the national language be changed so you can understand.  and, let's all rejoice about gay rights... let's not rest until it is acceptable to digitally penetrate and fellate each other in public.  and gay rights parades.  it is only r

Wednesday, June 26

lots of rain today.  now the heat and humidity.  rain is easier to shovel than snow, so who gives a crap anyway. funny how all the liberals take pleasure in Paula Dean getting fired for using the N word....20 years ago.  please.  how about arresting odumbo for abusing drugs 20 years ago, as he has admitted in his crap book.  how about alledging that obama is a racist for sitting in a church and listening to a racist preacher for years. nah...he is our messiah, and was just doing those things to prepare for striking the death blow to our country being president. and, lets all rejoice for the supreme court overruling the DOMA act...the act that Bill Clinton signed into law.  and that Bill Clinton hailed today as a great thing to overturn. is it just me, or are we effed?

Tuesday, June 25

the Hawks won the stanley cup last night.  now all we have are bad cubs and sox teams until the bears go to camp.  oh well. the chumps, of which I am one, that live in cook county are going to have higher property tax bills. sure - the income tax for the piss puddle known as Illinois went up by 66%.  might as well ass rape homeowners.  we need to pay our fair share so the parasites who live to spread their legs and breed can continue to do so.  I was in Florida over the weekend.  gas down there is 70 cents less than in this area.  we deserve what we get.  electing unqualified people.  doing the same sheep-like dance through the years.  today, we are one swirl closer to the bottom of the toilet.  but, deadliest catch is on tonight. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

the last Monday of June...on Sunday, 2013 will be half done.  it is not fair how fast time flies.  I was in Florida for the weekend to visit my mom.  91 years old, and recently had cancer surgery.  and she is in better shape than I am.  I hope I have her genetic makeup when it comes to health.  all six of her kids were there, so that was nice.  life is too short to not get together like that.  and we don't do it near enough.  so - the Hawks can win the cup tonight.  I hope they do.  summer is really here now - hot and humid.  and I love it. I have not posted for 4 days, and have to get back in the swing.  lots of drudge articles to read to work on my next rant.

Thursday, June 20

I keep skipping days and not posting.  as if anyone would miss.  but, must be because I am busy,  or lazy.  I have over 800 posts from the last 4+ years.  of those, maybe 10 were pretty good.  oh well... Tony Soprano died yesterday.  at 51 years old.  I am 54 - will be 55 in August.....Do I look as old and bloated as he does?  I hope not.  but maybe I do.  congress if forging ahead with immigration reform.  what is to be reformed?  a bunch of people here illegally - round them up and send them where they came from.  America is for everyone but Americans these days. 

Tuesday, June 18

well, that Hawks game sure sucked.  nothing worse than watching your team get shut out.  but, it is getting late in the spring to care about hockey.  especially when the Bears go to camp in a few weeks.  all kinds of news today.  the obama phone program is another example of entitlememnt gone way too far: and file this one under "gee...I guess it is not just me" some things never change

Monday, June 17

a few days passed since my last posting.  either too busy, or no original thoughts to write about.  or both. nice weekend.  nice Father's day.  my son gave me a gift card for Bass Pro Shops.  he is sure growing up.  my daughter gave me a bunch of grilling accessories, so I am ready for the summer. nice that the obamas can travel to Ireland and book 30 rooms for michelle. we can't afford to have white house tours, but we can afford her countless vacations. what a joke. 

Thursday, June 13

uhh People....PEOPLE.....odd that letterman did not show a clip of obama crapping the bed...odd.... beautiful weather today.  almost makes the crap in January through March worth it.  almost.  really a good sign that Daley's brother is going to run for the governor of Illinois.  the guy that ruined chicago has a relative that can finish the job of ruining the state.  well, it has been in the shitter for years, so I guess Bill Daley can fatten up and get all his cronies rich.  and what does our messiah have to say????  why, he is too busy not doing anything about gas prices to say anything. what a mess.   

Wednesday, June 12

supposed to storm today.  not much you can do about it.  at least it is not snow. well - looks like the country has changed their opinion of George W. Bush, now that they have a really unqualified incompetent president to compare him to: of course, the low information voters will continue to ignore the scandals and other signs that in inexperienced, unqualified person should not hold the highest office in the land.  but, he gives people phones, so I guess all is ok.  he is transforming the country.  like your digestive system transforms food into poop.

Tuesday, June 11

we are getting near the summer solstice.  equal daylight and dark.  so, after June 21, we start losing some daylight each day.  so, if you play golf after work, play a lot for the next 6 weeks or so, because then you will start to notice the subtle chage in the earlier sunset.  I forgot to comment the other day about obama getting to the podium for a speach, and finding no notes there to speak from....his whining "people...people..."....completely lost without his prepared text.  what a fraud.  we deserve everything we get from this unqualified seat warmer.  the scandals are piling up.  but nothing sticking to the messiah.  he is transforming America.  transforming it to this - who would be proud of what we have become? one last thing - I saw a story yesterday that the tanning tax is now permanent.  to pay for obamacare.  what if there was a tax on jeri curl, or baggy pants?  think there would be an uproar?

Monday, June 10

once again, I missed a few days. when the weather is as nice as it was this weekend, it is probably better to not waste time in front of a computer screen.  but, back to the grind today.  supposed to get hot - after all, it is almost summer.  probably go from cool and rainy to dry and hot.  happens every year.  the time from now to winter will pass in a heartbeat. I forgot to write about it a few weeks back, but the city of chicago is experimenting with a new crosswalk downtown.  pedestrians can cross on the diagonal. as if the traffic in the loop is not messed up enough already.  the crime ridden city is falling apart, and the mayor is dreaming of things like this and of the $300 million arena for Depaul near McCormick Place.  I supposed the proposed $1500 fine for littering that was proposed last week will pay for it.  why not fine the thugs for ass

Friday, June 7

finally Friday.  Fridays are always good...making to the end of the bs road, if only for 2 days.  but until then, I have 8 more hours to work to get to the end of that road.  Gas prices, as usual, skyrocketing in Chicago - going up 25 cents a gallon in one day. How many times have we heard of a problem at the refinery, and the subsequent price hike?  where is the government intervention in gas prices?  when I worked in the pharma industry, the government mandated that drug reps could not give non-medically relavent gifts (lunches, golf balls, etc) to doctors because people were complaining about drug prices.  where is thsi same scrutiny about gas prices?  oh wait - our messiah said high gas prices are good.  now I get it. 

Wednesday, June 5

still feels like April.  but it is June.  7 weeks from tomorrow we leave for Canada.   seems like only yesterday we were at the All Canada show booking the trip. Fathers Day is next Sunday.  I happened to think....(yes - sometimes I do that).....that when I used to coach baseball, we had a game on Fathers Day right at dinner time.  and I felt cheated out of my opportunity to eat too much pizza and lay around.....and when I coached basketball, we had a game during the super bowl. and I felt cheated out of my chanc to drink beer and eat wings....but - I cannot tell you a memory from another Fathers Day, nor another Super - having something cool to do like coach my son's team provided me with a memory I would not have had if not for having to get off the couch.   I haven't coached since my son started high school 3 years ago.....but it was fun when I did it.  some of the seniors on the bball team I had coached in 3rd or 4th grade.  neat to see them keep at it.  I saw

Tuesday, June 4

Missed a few days.  but, back to work.  weekend was nice - golf, working outside, hawks games.  and game 3 on tonight.  so - check out this story about a disturbance at a protest agaist republicans using the theme of this blog (the parasite-ridden ghost moose), you can see we are at the end of our death spiral.  once the parasites begin to dictate the actions of the host, the host is doomed.  It is no longer enough just to support the parasites, but now we must support them in a manner they desire...that they dictate.  the last stage of this process will be when the paratsites battle other parasites who also need to be fattened for control of the dying host.  that stage should come relatively soon...and at that point, we are pretty much done. America used to be a pretty good place, didn't it?

Saturday, June 1, 2013

June 1...the sixth month of the year.  at the end of this month, 2013 will be half expired. I have written way too many a few times, as I get older, the passage of time seems to pick up speed.  how many half years do we have left, and it is not fair this half year went so quickly.  I suppose that means it was a good half year.  My son went to prom last nice to see all these well dressed kids gathered for pictures.  some of the boys there I had coached over the last 10 years or so, and to see them now as teenagers is really an awakening.  playing golf hoping for a quantum leap from bad suckage to just suckage.  but that will take some work.  and putts.  but, it will be good to get out and walk. so - happy Saturday.  live today like it is your last day. then tomorrow will be a blessing.  oh, and the hawks game is on at 4 today.