Wednesday, June 5

still feels like April.  but it is June.  7 weeks from tomorrow we leave for Canada.   seems like only yesterday we were at the All Canada show booking the trip.

Fathers Day is next Sunday.  I happened to think....(yes - sometimes I do that).....that when I used to coach baseball, we had a game on Fathers Day right at dinner time.  and I felt cheated out of my opportunity to eat too much pizza and lay around.....and when I coached basketball, we had a game during the super bowl. and I felt cheated out of my chanc to drink beer and eat wings....but - I cannot tell you a memory from another Fathers Day, nor another Super - having something cool to do like coach my son's team provided me with a memory I would not have had if not for having to get off the couch.   I haven't coached since my son started high school 3 years ago.....but it was fun when I did it.  some of the seniors on the bball team I had coached in 3rd or 4th grade.  neat to see them keep at it.  I saw one of my former players awhile back....and he called me "Coach".  really cool.  I miss my coaching excuse me while I crawl back into my cave. 

IRS scandal - what scandal?
Bengazi...What difference does it make?

are any of my readers old enough t remember when America was not so messed up?


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