Friday, June 28, 2013

writing this on Thursday, but figured I needed some content to post before the weekend so I will get off easy on Friday.

how nice that we are embracing illegals and gays.  if you are an illegal, our congress is voting on bills to legalize provide benefits for take money that should be spent on real Americans and spend it on you.  but - we must provide for our parasites.
whatever happened to following the laws of the land.  if you are a european american, your ancestors had to wait in line.  they did not come over to the US, step on US soil and demand money, and demand that the national language be changed so you can understand. 

and, let's all rejoice about gay rights...
let's not rest until it is acceptable to digitally penetrate and fellate each other in public.  and gay rights parades.  it is only right.

if you are white, black, legal citizen and not gay - fuck you.

today, our once great county is a bit more of a shithole than it was yesterday.


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