Saturday, June 1, 2013

June 1...the sixth month of the year.  at the end of this month, 2013 will be half expired. I have written way too many a few times, as I get older, the passage of time seems to pick up speed.  how many half years do we have left, and it is not fair this half year went so quickly.  I suppose that means it was a good half year. 
My son went to prom last nice to see all these well dressed kids gathered for pictures.  some of the boys there I had coached over the last 10 years or so, and to see them now as teenagers is really an awakening. 
playing golf hoping for a quantum leap from bad suckage to just suckage.  but that will take some work.  and putts.  but, it will be good to get out and walk.

so - happy Saturday.  live today like it is your last day. then tomorrow will be a blessing. 

oh, and the hawks game is on at 4 today.


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