Tuesday, June 25

the Hawks won the stanley cup last night.  now all we have are bad cubs and sox teams until the bears go to camp.  oh well.

the chumps, of which I am one, that live in cook county are going to have higher property tax bills. 
sure - the income tax for the piss puddle known as Illinois went up by 66%.  might as well ass rape homeowners.  we need to pay our fair share so the parasites who live to spread their legs and breed can continue to do so. 

I was in Florida over the weekend.  gas down there is 70 cents less than in this area.  we deserve what we get.  electing unqualified people.  doing the same sheep-like dance through the years. 

today, we are one swirl closer to the bottom of the toilet. 

but, deadliest catch is on tonight. 


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