Monday, June 10

once again, I missed a few days. when the weather is as nice as it was this weekend, it is probably better to not waste time in front of a computer screen.  but, back to the grind today.  supposed to get hot - after all, it is almost summer.  probably go from cool and rainy to dry and hot.  happens every year.  the time from now to winter will pass in a heartbeat.

I forgot to write about it a few weeks back, but the city of chicago is experimenting with a new crosswalk downtown.  pedestrians can cross on the diagonal.
as if the traffic in the loop is not messed up enough already.  the crime ridden city is falling apart, and the mayor is dreaming of things like this and of the $300 million arena for Depaul near McCormick Place.  I supposed the proposed $1500 fine for littering that was proposed last week will pay for it.  why not fine the thugs for assault, drug dealing, murder, etc? 

do you remember America before it was so messed up?


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