Wednesday, June 26

lots of rain today.  now the heat and humidity.  rain is easier to shovel than snow, so who gives a crap anyway.

funny how all the liberals take pleasure in Paula Dean getting fired for using the N word....20 years ago.  please.  how about arresting odumbo for abusing drugs 20 years ago, as he has admitted in his crap book.  how about alledging that obama is a racist for sitting in a church and listening to a racist preacher for years. nah...he is our messiah, and was just doing those things to prepare for striking the death blow to our country being president.

and, lets all rejoice for the supreme court overruling the DOMA act...the act that Bill Clinton signed into law.  and that Bill Clinton hailed today as a great thing to overturn.

is it just me, or are we effed?


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