
Showing posts from October, 2012

Wednesday, Oct 31

Halloween..and the last day of October.  on to November The hurricane that hit the east coast is a terrible thing.  so much destruction.  however, does either coast give a crap when we get buried in a blizzard?  not so much. I noticed that gas had gone up 25 cents a gallon...due to the storm and the refineries that may or may not have been damaged on the east coast...but wait a minute...when the refinery in Indiana had a problem, our gas went up too... whent he refinery in wisconsin had a problem, our gas went up...I assume because that is where the gas is refined that ends up being sold in the chicago, why does our gas go up when a storm hits an area that does not refine our gas? it is because if one geographic area is being ass raped, all geographic area need to be ass raped.  expect your ass rapin and be thankful. that is how it is. we must eat our peas eacho peez.

Tuesday, Oct 30

dark, cold, least we are not in new york...that hurricane is bad, plus we would be in new york.  doubly effed.  so, obama has an idea... he is going to implement a secretary of business in his next term...but wait.....didn't he form a "super committee" for jobs in this term?  I know I wrote about that, because I saw right through that at the, since the super committee failed miserably, time to expand government and add not only a secretary of business as a cabinet position...but also a whole new department of the federal government...thousands of seat warmers and layabouts....requiring billions of tax dollars to fund. did you ever think obama is incapable of succeeding at anything?  I have. eacho peez where you at who you be we all we got quitcher whinin  

Sunday, Oct 28

next week is the time change.  replace the batteries in your smoke detectors...and get a fresh bottle of bourbon.  I believe that is what the public service announcements tell you to do. I see the chicago tribune has endorsed obama for president.  that makes sense....a bankrupt newspaper from a once-great-but-now-crumbled media empire.....a paper that turned a blind eye to the corruption in chicago and illinois....a paper that did not vet obama and ignored the red flags in his background...a paper that sued to unseal the divorce papers of jack ryan, paving the way for obama to run against crackpot alan keys...a paper that did not sue to unseal the files that would tell us more about obama....a paper that stood by and watched the city of chicago and the state of illinois morph into epic shitholes..... no surprise that the trib has endorsed obama...failure begat failure.

Friday, Oct 26

the last friday of was 11 weeks ago we were heading up to Canada to fish...time should not fly so fast.  As I have written far too many times already   a few times before, the passage of time really makes one appreciate that we don't have a lot of time....well, at least an unlimited amount of time on this earth.  not much we can do about it though.  so eat, drink and be merry.  a few weeks ago, obama was on letterman, and when asked by letterman if the 16 TRILLION dollar debt was a problem, obama's response was "no...not in the short term".  now, if letterman did not have his lecherous lips attached to obama's behind, he would have asked "how about in the long term".....Imagine you have a credit card with debt equal to 3 years of your salary.  if you buy a pizza and pay using this credit card, there is no problem in the short get the pizza, eat it and are happy...but in the long term, that 30 dollar pizza becomes $500 - $800 in

Thursday, Oct 25

mid fall now.  nice today, but supposed to get cold.  and stay cold.  like every year.  remember the office of the president had some dignity?  now we have this: and, of course there is the republican's "war on women"  that has included such scummy behavior as: - the band on the jimmy fallon show playing "dumb bitch" when Michelle Bachman came out as a guest - cnn playing "Stupid Girl" before a story on Sara Palin - obama toady and boot licker bill maher calling Sara Palin a twat what's that you say???? those are all democratic media asslickers?  well, i guess both parties are waging a war on women, huh?  we just have coined a phrase for one side's salvo's but not the others... weebee effed  

Tuesday, Oct 23

Missed posting yesterday, almost missed the people that take a picture of themselves every day for becomes an obsession.  as if a compilation of thousands of pictures of someone's face has any value to anyone other than the person whose face is being photographed, put in a slide show and put on youtube.  who gives a shit that they did that.  the first few hundred on youtube were moderately, not so much.   kind of the same thing with this mindless drivel I write.  significant only to me.  but an outlet nonetheless.  as if anyone cares what some middle aged guy thinks...or maybe someone blago said "if we save one child, we save the world".  what an effin idiot.  if we save one child, we save one child.  far fewer than the world.  no thoughts on the debate last night.  trump is supposed to come out with his info on obama (divorce papers) and gloria allred is going to sue to unseal some records involving romney.  it has

Monday, Oct 22

the weekend flew by.  no golf yesterday due to frost.  I guess the early am tee time is only good mid-season.  the bears are on tonight and so is the last presidential debate.  good thing for dvr.  the segment I referred to last week on the espn football pregame is "Where You At".  the dumbing down of America continues.  it is now acceptable to bastardize the english language in ways such as: Where you at we all we got Jacked Up C'mon man eacho peez quitcher whinin. ok...the last 2 are mine.  

Saturday, Oct. 20

first the president told us "sometimes you have to eat your peas"  (and of course, yours truly changed it to "eacho peez") the george washington look alike Hillary Clinton is telling women to quit whining. after all, she did not whine when outed as a lesbian.  she did not whine when faced with the whole enormity of  the scum-bagginess of her husband, she did not whine when she was appointed to a key cabinet post.  eacho peez....quitcher whinin..... and it was the republicans that were waging the "war on women", right?  I guess if the "quit whining" statement came from a real woman, it might have been taken more seriously. quitcher whinin....(you will probably see that phrase a few more times)

Friday, Oct 19

past the midpoint of October...time marches on.  week 7 of the nfl season.  before long it will be the college bowl season.  the presidential function last night was pretty good.  romney did a good job with his jokes and obama reasonable well.  the last debate is monday.  it will be interesting to see if the bias shown in the first 2 debates will continue.  but, to paraphrase a trite saying: when the United States sneezes, the world catches a cold when the United States catches a cold, the world gets pneumonia when the United States elects a turd for president, the whole world goes to shit. I still marvel that the romney campaign has not seized upon the eat your peas comment.  I will give them my "eacho peez" for free.

Thursday. Oct 18

well, the debate was interesting on Tuesday night.  typical tapdancing by obama.  typical biased moderating.  at any rate, what obama is doing is not working.  I especially liked his answer about low gas prices when he took office....why, they were becasue the economy was bad.  well, genius, the economy is still bad.  and gas costs 4 bucks a gallon.  what a failure. i see that preckwinkle is going to raise taxes and fees to cover a budget shortfall, including a "violence tax".  hey genius - how about taxing the families of the county jail inmates to make them pay for the upkeep of their relatives in the bighouse?  no..that would be raciss.  raciss...everything is raciss.  we be effed we all we got eacho peez.

Tuesday, Oct 16

Happy belated bday to my golf buddy (and college room mate - the one to blame for all the trouble we got it and, decades later, for some of my good golf shots) and happy bday to my brother.  one more year.... I was walking the dog on saturday and a guy drove past me with a little kid in the back seat, and it occured to me those days for me are so far in the past....I can pretty much come and go as I please, golf whenever I want....the days of soccer games, baseball games, football games, dance recitals, etc..all in the past.  but, my dog friend will usually hang with me.  my son was talking about the Tammy Duckworth ad where she accuses her opponent of being anti abortion...even when rape or incest is involved (ick..but that is the sad state of our country) but, the video is cut, and edited badly.  check it out.  but, even tho tammy duckworth has no legs, and is a property tax cheat, we should vote for her, right? is it me, or is this country far beyond hope? eacho peez. we

Sunday, Oct 14

4:50 am....looks like golf is scrapped for the second week in a row, this time due to rain.  last week freeze delay.  the season is on its last legs.  Here's a story that makes you wonder what they teach students in journalism school: do the 97% of blacks who vote, vote for obama for his economic policies?  for his success in the illinois senate?  for his incomplete record in the US senate?  face it...voters will vote for both candidates because of the color of their skin.  what is a more obvious determinating factor?  seems that no one will admit how dire this situation is now.  probably worse than it was before the last presidential election.  and you still see stories like the one above.  we are effed.

Friday, Oct. 12

at long last Friday.  pretty chilly today, and of course, it is supposed to rain sunday when we plan to golf.  oh well, sayeth the archivist. entertaining VP debate last night...if you are entertained by a booze addled old man that sits and laughs at everything the guy next to him says.  and this boob is one heartbeat from being president.  wow - we be screwed.  the next presidential debate will be more of the same.  I supposed the only opinions to sway are from the undecided voters.  but, given the polarizing effect obama has had on the country, probably not too many voters are undecided.  and so - on to work.  the free fall from space was delayed until sunday, thoroughly spoiling the day for the millions of seat warmers that were going to watch the multi-hour waste of time at their desks.  that would be pretty much anyone with a computer.  ep  (eachopeez) we all we got

Wednesday, October 10

there was enough frost on my windshield this morning to take a few swipes with the wipers to clear...we are due for an indian summer though. I, like millions of others, were disappointed that the attempt to skydive from 120,000 feet was cancelled yesterday.  For those of us who planned to do nothing other than watch that at our desks follow this exciting stunt, our day was somehow a bit emptier.  but, one more attempt tomorrow....why is this being done again???? can't wait for the vice presidential debate tomorrow night.  biden will surely show what a buffoon he is.  what has he done to be qualified to be the next in line to the president?  other than, of course, uttering his racist line "he gone putchall back in chains".  America...we are screwed.

Tuesday, Oct 9

bummer..I was hoping to watch the guy jump from 120,000 feet in space but it is weather delayed.  just what is to be accomplished by this....nothing.  but the coverage of this non-event is amusing.  the pissing contest between gov. fudd and rahm "grinch" emanuel about naming the head of the stadium authority is a joke. you think someone that was unable to manage their personal fianances would not be good to manage a huge stadium comission?  and, being financially inadequate might  lead her to being on the take?,0,3455749.story no movement on pensions, however....this situation is like the captain and first mate on the titanic arguing about what plates to use.  illinois..what a shithole. 

Monday, Oct 8

very nice fall day.  lots of leaves on the ground now - the rest will fall in the next week or so.  then the time change next month.  then late fall.  then winter.  after playing golf in the blazing heat all summer, it was a rude awakening to get our golf cancelled due to a freeze delay on Saturday.  but it is what it is.  we all we got.  eacho peez.  just 4 weeks until the election.  much more mud to sling from both sides.  no progress on the illinois pension hole.  big surprise.  at this point, nothing can be done at the state or federal level to clean up the mess that has accumulated over the past decades.  so, regardless who wins the presidential election, my ramblings will not change - because we are just rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic.  and eating peas.

Saturday, Oct 6

got to the golf course before 7 am for our tee time...only to hear there was a frost delay.  so we left and did not play.  turned out to be a nice day - cool but sunny.  and now a reminder that the season will be over pretty soon.  happens every year. following a woeful performance at the presidential debate, obama had to be encouraged by the big drop in the unemployment rate.  of course, the media never questions the fact that those who are unemployed, but are not looking for work, are not counted.  but, if you are unemployed, and not looking for work, what do you do for money?  really - you must have some cash inflow to stay alive.  maybe we need an unemployment rate of unemployed who are not looking for employment.  then, add that to the unemployment rate of unemployed who are looking for work.  then maybe we could get the true unemployment rate.  did you see the heartwarming story on the news the other night about the high school student with cerebral palsy who was paralyzed a

Thursday, Oct 4

So many leaves now on the ground...fall is really here.  beautiful time of year, but like each season other than winter, it really moves. the first debate was last night.  accepting the fact that everything that each candidate would say is a lie, you have to go by appearance and response.  obama could not have looked worse.  starting the night with an ode to his wife was lame...he seemed surprised that the crowd did not break into a 90 minute standing ovation, thereby negating the need for a debate.  when the noise came from backstage, he tried to get the crowd to laugh, and looked foolish. read the stories today - the left whining about Lehrer (SP?) and how badly the debate was moderated.  I guess our messiah is not as gifted a speaker without a teleprompter.  the next one should be interesting - watch how the media gets involved to protect obama.  but, alas, the emperor is wearing no clothes. we all saw it. 

Wednesday, Oct 3

late afternoon.  the day got away from me again.  the first debate is on tonight.  I will watch it to see the tone the rest of the campaign will take. it was amusing to see the left wing media scoff at the obama tape from 2007 that ran on fox last night.  while it may have been reported on at the time, none of the specifics were covered....the fake black accent, the talking about "the suburbs"  (code for white areas, apparently), the misstatement of the - none of that was ever covered.  but he is the messiah, and we cannot scrutinize him.  you racists.  anyway - should be interesting.  or not at all.  I got a blu ray player for Christmas...and I hooked it up last night.  only took 10 months to find the inner strength to get that huge task done.  if the debate sucks, I can always play with the remote control for the new blu ray player.  and peas...I can eat my peas.  (now, what do you think I would make an issue of if I was debating obama?) eacho peez,

Tuesday, Oct 2

the bears game was better than expected.  now a short week until the next game on Sunday. the first presidential debate is tomorrow night.  it will be interesting to see how it is moderated, and to hear the comments/criticisms of it on Thursday.  no doubt there will be lots of empty words, lots of accusations, lots of unsubstantiated blathering.  but, very rarely has there been an election with such differing candidates.  again - this is pretty much like changing the captian of the titanic after hitting the iceberg.  as Ross Perot said yesterday, we are in danger of being taken over.  of course, the 16 trillion dollar deficit is not a problem in the short term, so says our messiah. anyway, have a happy tuesday.  I have a headache.

Monday, October 1

so long to September.  It is 6:40 am and still dark.  we've lost about an hour of daylight in the morning now....when will we find it?  Bears game on tonight.  probably another stinker.  I saw a story on Drudge that the election will be affected by racism....since 95% of blacks will vote for obama, I would say that must be true.  the first debate is this week, so that may expose each of the criminals candidates for what they are.  at any rate, as a country, we are screwed, so it matters little who is steering the titanic.  the end result is inevitable.  in the time I have been typing this, there have been 4 campaign commercials on tv...and we will really be saturated by these lying 30 second fairy tales before the election. anyway, off to start the week.  all things considered, I'd rather be golfing, even though I suck.