Friday, Oct 26

the last friday of was 11 weeks ago we were heading up to Canada to fish...time should not fly so fast.  As I have written far too many times already  a few times before, the passage of time really makes one appreciate that we don't have a lot of time....well, at least an unlimited amount of time on this earth.  not much we can do about it though.  so eat, drink and be merry. 

a few weeks ago, obama was on letterman, and when asked by letterman if the 16 TRILLION dollar debt was a problem, obama's response was "no...not in the short term".  now, if letterman did not have his lecherous lips attached to obama's behind, he would have asked "how about in the long term".....Imagine you have a credit card with debt equal to 3 years of your salary.  if you buy a pizza and pay using this credit card, there is no problem in the short get the pizza, eat it and are happy...but in the long term, that 30 dollar pizza becomes $500 - $800 in debt when the interest is added and - these obama phones, aid to illegals, pensions, hawaii trips for the queen...none are an isse in the short term...but ultimately will contribute to and hasten the collapse that has already begun.  maybe we'd see that obama got a D in economics...if his records were not sealed. 

and another thing...has anyone else noticed that taylor swift's career is comprised soley on songs about breaking up with her boyfriend?  kind of like if Bruce Springsteen recorded nothing but songs about building model airplanes.....maybe she needs to get some new ideas...get real, girl..  get freaky...

and eacho peez.


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