Wednesday, Oct 3

late afternoon.  the day got away from me again.  the first debate is on tonight.  I will watch it to see the tone the rest of the campaign will take.

it was amusing to see the left wing media scoff at the obama tape from 2007 that ran on fox last night.  while it may have been reported on at the time, none of the specifics were covered....the fake black accent, the talking about "the suburbs"  (code for white areas, apparently), the misstatement of the - none of that was ever covered.  but he is the messiah, and we cannot scrutinize him.  you racists. 

anyway - should be interesting.  or not at all. 

I got a blu ray player for Christmas...and I hooked it up last night.  only took 10 months to find the inner strength to get that huge task done.  if the debate sucks, I can always play with the remote control for the new blu ray player. 

and peas...I can eat my peas.  (now, what do you think I would make an issue of if I was debating obama?)

eacho peez, all yuz. 

he'll put chall bak in chains.


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