Thursday, Oct 4

So many leaves now on the ground...fall is really here.  beautiful time of year, but like each season other than winter, it really moves.

the first debate was last night.  accepting the fact that everything that each candidate would say is a lie, you have to go by appearance and response.  obama could not have looked worse.  starting the night with an ode to his wife was lame...he seemed surprised that the crowd did not break into a 90 minute standing ovation, thereby negating the need for a debate.  when the noise came from backstage, he tried to get the crowd to laugh, and looked foolish.

read the stories today - the left whining about Lehrer (SP?) and how badly the debate was moderated.  I guess our messiah is not as gifted a speaker without a teleprompter. 

the next one should be interesting - watch how the media gets involved to protect obama. 

but, alas, the emperor is wearing no clothes. we all saw it. 


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