
Showing posts from March, 2019

Sunday, March 31. 2019

I had not posted since March 19...that is too long.  I have not written much  - I have been writing some witty sayings for a business consulting campaign I am going to launch on linkedin.  however, that does not excuse me from depriving my readers of my blog postings. so....I got my blood test back and I my number was good - about at pre-cancer level.  I have one thing I want to check out, due to being like every other cancer patient and self diagnosing from the internet.  But I imagine I am as healthy as an overweight 60 yr old can be. I had lunch with a friend in Deerfield beach yesterday.  I played ball against Al for years - since I was the guy closest in size to Al, I got to cover him.  every week.  He played bball in college, and is much larger than I, and was a much better player than I ever was.  My game was to stay about 12 ft from the hoop and shoot...his game was to destroy from the lane.   I always had to cover him, which was not glory in that.  but, it has bee

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

This would be my 36th wedding anniversary if I was still married, but I ain't.  as for my blood test (mentioned in my post a week ago)....I went to a clinic to get my blood test....and saw I would have an hour wait.  So I left.  I had already had the order faxed to the clinic but didn't want to wait.  So I went home and registered online, and got a confirmation number for the next day.  I showed up at 10 am for a 10:30 appt.  I look at the board and it says my wait time is 1 hr because I am a walk in.  I go to the window and attempt to ask one of the seat warmers, who would not move even if the building was on fire, why am I listed as a walk in. She gives me attitude, looks at a screen and says I don't have an appointment.  so I leave and send an email to Quest saying I would rather die of prostate cancer than to go to that dump again.  then I was on yelp and was going to post a comment when I saw a number for a patient advocate..which I called.  she says since I was th

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

I went another week without posting.  Either that means I have so busy that I don't have time to post, or I am not busy and just being apathetic.  I have to figure that out.  The reason I am posting now is I see I had 108 page views from France today.  I must be developing a following in France as well as the United Arab Eremites which I see some big views some days.  It is sad that the readers in the US do not appreciate the geniusness among them.  No traction in the job search.  Some phone interviews in Chicago.  Nothing in Florida.  but, gotta keep scratching at the dirt looking for the shiny stone.  and so I shall.  I have a really frustrating story about dealing with the lab down here to get my blood test, but I will save that for the next post.  suffice to say there are many lazy dolts down here. 

Monday, March 4, 2019

I have now been in south Florida for about 6 weeks, and I have figured out a subculture I am  part of. I have taken my mom to some doctor's appointments since I have been here.  There's a certain pecking order in the waiting room. The old pride themselves on being old...their kids shuffle them into the waiting room.  A dude as big and imposing as I shakes up the whole waiting room thing.  (just kidding but not kidding) I heard a guy today (an annoying old new jersey guy) keep saying at the receptionist "I am 92..I don't hear ya".  I saw his son...a doughy nondescript schmo in the corner....clearly he had no interest in helping his dad.  I may be wrong, but I am new to this whole waiting room etiquette. but it occurred to mom is 97.  She has the age title and I am a big buff dude.  Get out of our way.  Me and my mom own that waiting room, bitches. I will make it in south Florida, I just know I will

Saturday, March 2, 2019

March already.  The year 2019 is 16% elapsed.  And what have you done in that time?  Me...not much.  looked for jobs.  Walked every day.  Sweated a lot.  (Florida will do that).  All in all, it was a great move to come to Florida and carry on the job search from here.  Still no action, but I have come to accept that.  My niece came over today with her 2 girls...7 and 2.  Very cute.  I haven't been around kids in forever.  I wish I had that kind of energy.  I guess I did a few decades ago. It's about time to play golf again - I don't have a budget to play each week, but I have to play once a month since I am lucky enough to be somewhere I can golf in March.  and, I really need to get back to writing a book.  I wrote an article on linkedin this week and I wasn't really pleased with the result.  I need to get an inspiration/muse and get at it. and with that, I wish you a lovely Saturday evening.