Sunday, March 31. 2019

I had not posted since March 19...that is too long.  I have not written much  - I have been writing some witty sayings for a business consulting campaign I am going to launch on linkedin.  however, that does not excuse me from depriving my readers of my blog postings.

so....I got my blood test back and I my number was good - about at pre-cancer level.  I have one thing I want to check out, due to being like every other cancer patient and self diagnosing from the internet.  But I imagine I am as healthy as an overweight 60 yr old can be.

I had lunch with a friend in Deerfield beach yesterday.  I played ball against Al for years - since I was the guy closest in size to Al, I got to cover him.  every week.  He played bball in college, and is much larger than I, and was a much better player than I ever was.  My game was to stay about 12 ft from the hoop and shoot...his game was to destroy from the lane.   I always had to cover him, which was not glory in that.  but, it has been 10 yrs since we butted heads.  we met for lunch, had 2 dozen oysters, had lunch and had a wonderful time.  I kind of know what the old vfw guys felt when they would get together years after their service.  when a bud walks in a restaurant, and you hug, that is real.  if you have not done that, find a reason to do that.  at our age, it means something.

so, to answer the question you did not ask, yes...Florida is very nice.


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