Tuesday, March 19, 2019

This would be my 36th wedding anniversary if I was still married, but I ain't. 

as for my blood test (mentioned in my post a week ago)....I went to a clinic to get my blood test....and saw I would have an hour wait.  So I left.  I had already had the order faxed to the clinic but didn't want to wait.  So I went home and registered online, and got a confirmation number for the next day.  I showed up at 10 am for a 10:30 appt.  I look at the board and it says my wait time is 1 hr because I am a walk in.  I go to the window and attempt to ask one of the seat warmers, who would not move even if the building was on fire, why am I listed as a walk in. She gives me attitude, looks at a screen and says I don't have an appointment. 
so I leave and send an email to Quest saying I would rather die of prostate cancer than to go to that dump again. 
then I was on yelp and was going to post a comment when I saw a number for a patient advocate..which I called.  she says since I was there more than 15 mins early, I was listed as a walk in.  (that makes perfect sense, right?)
She apologized and said I can go in at 8 am the next morning and would not have to wait.
So at 8am I go...and was seen immediately.  and when asked where my paperwork was, I said it was faxed to the other office.  I told her just draw my blood and get it from them.  She says no - she could get fired for that.  AND THE OTHER CLINIC DOES NOT HAVE A PHONE.  So I leave. (see a pattern?)
then I call the answering service for my doctor in Arl Hts to tell them to fax the order to a new office of dopes.  and to call me when it was done.
2 hrs later....no call.  so I call the doctors office.  No - they never got the message from the answering service.  to which I tell them their answering service sucks.  and they said they would take care of it.
so I go back to Quest and wait another hour with the riff raff in the office...of course I sent another email to quest while I was waiting saying how bad they suck.
and then got my blood drawn. 
so about 8 hrs spent on a blood draw that took about 1 minute.  Of course I wouldn't care, but I have done internet research and it told me the cancer has spread to my lungs and liver based on the symptoms I am seeing.  Which are probably not symptoms at all, but we all seek to be victims, right?


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