Tuesday, March 12, 2019

I went another week without posting.  Either that means I have so busy that I don't have time to post, or I am not busy and just being apathetic.  I have to figure that out. 

The reason I am posting now is I see I had 108 page views from France today.  I must be developing a following in France as well as the United Arab Eremites which I see some big views some days.  It is sad that the readers in the US do not appreciate the geniusness among them. 

No traction in the job search.  Some phone interviews in Chicago.  Nothing in Florida.  but, gotta keep scratching at the dirt looking for the shiny stone.  and so I shall. 

I have a really frustrating story about dealing with the lab down here to get my blood test, but I will save that for the next post.  suffice to say there are many lazy dolts down here. 


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