
Showing posts from December, 2013

Dec 30, 2013

2013 draws to a close.  that sure flew this age, the years go way too quickly.  not as much sand in the top half of the proverbial hourglass.  all we can do is live for today.  i hate winter. so cold outside.  we can only hope spring comes a month early since winter showed up a month early. so - make the best of these last 2 days of 2013.  2014....hard to get that idea straight in my head.  I was just getting used to 2013.

Dec 26, 2013

back to work.  the pagan world we live in allows no more than one day for us to observe a solemn Christian holiday.  this is the shithole this country and its moneygrubbers has become. what a difference 5 years posting of Dec 26, 2008 was about not getting many gifts for Christmas.  no so this year.  I got a lot of very nice gifts.  but the holiday is still the enjoyable event for me...not the gifts.  and the holiday is here and gone far too quickly.  a week or so ago, I tried to follow my son on twitter.  then yesterday I looked for him on twitter and saw I was blocked from following him.  because I had searched his name, I saw that an article was twitted about him on the bball team.  I was so proud...but why would he have not told me he was interviewed and the story was out there?  the next article written about me will be the first article written about me.  i guess I will have to write one myself.  back to work now, you slugs.

Monday, Dec. 23, 2013

back to work.  and I am off tomorrow.  used to be that most companies were closed on Christmas Eve.  used to be that America stuck to the principles that it was founded on.  Now - not so much.  any mention of God is offensive to some, so it must be scrubbed for all.  Treating once-solemn dates as regular days seems to placate those who came to this country to live in America...then began making a list of how American customs insulted them and demanded that America adapt to them instead of them adapting to America. the Ghost Moose.....never truer. but - this is a week to set that aside.  worship whatever God you worship.  there are 51 weeks in the year for us to bump heads.  unless those weeks happen to have some religious holiday that our immigrant visitors demand we recognize.

Thursday, Dec 19, 2013

a week from today houses will be littered with torn wrapping paper, empty boxes, pieces of ribbon, bows, etc.  Presents that were opened will be put away, never to be seen again, and about 4 weeks from now the credit card bills will arrive in the mail, and folks will wonder what they were thinking when they bought all those things.  but - It's Christmas time. the uproar about the comments made by someone on Duck Dynasty is funny.  I haven't seen the show, but apparently it is very popular. what happened to the first amendment?  why is it that the liberal, left media will seize upon comments made by anyone that anyone will recognize and use it to further their agenda.  why not just ignore those comments if you don't agree?  no...there must be demands for firings, reparations.... but this comment...not so much...

Monday, Dec 16, 2013

missed posting since Thursday.  in the interim, I did in fact go to the company Christmas party Friday night.  It was very well. done...good food, drinks, etc.  In the near future, I will write a bit more, but suffice to say, it was kind of strange.  as I said, more to follow. made it to the health club both workouts are not getting any more intense.   I really need to ramp that up in the new year.  the club was pretty empty - that will change when the new year rolls around and everyone tries to lose that first 40 lbs in the first few weeks of 2014.  I figure I can easily lose a pound a week.  did I say easily?  maybe not. so - I am out of practice on this blogging deal.  cut me some slack.  perhaps I will be better tomorrow.

Thursday, Dec 12, 2013

3 below this morning...minus 3....and we are 10 days from the start of winter.  this sucks.  hopefully spring comes as early as winter has arrived.  not much you can do when it is this cold...other than try to stay warm. still chugging toward Christmas...yes, Christmas.  the name of the holiday that non-Christians are so insulted by.  a holiday held dear by those that settled this country.  before we threw the gates open and let the rest of the world come and tell us how they are insulted by our customs. Merry Christmas.  and fuck the rest of you.

Sunday, Dec 8, 2013

still marching toward the shortest day....well, the day with the least daylight.  all days will still have 24 hrs, 12/21 will have the least hrs of daylight.  as it is now, the sun does not come up til almost 7 am.  once we hit 12/21, it will be 6 weeks or so until you can see the accumulated effect of adding 60 extra seconds of daylight per day.  kind of like our 401k....we put away a little each paycheck, but when we look at what it will pay for, we realize we cannot retire until we are 80.  unlike the pension hogs.  but that is another story.   that I have written about too many times. tis the season.  I guess today is the day to get out all the Christmas decorations and put them up.  I am not really a Christmas fan, but will do the heavy lifting.  tis the season.  other than that, what do you plan to accomplish today?  btw - I switched cable providers this week.  you really feel cheated when you realize how much effort it took to memorize all the channels, and now you have t

Friday, Dec 6, 2013

tgif...actually, I took the day off, so yesterday was my Friday.  and so is today.  lots of running around to do.  and surfing the internet.  can't do anything until the 5 or 6 sites we usually check have been read...and that is what I am doing now.  and then on to my running around.  next month will be very busy at work, so now is the time to recharge.  and look for a job where the workload is normal and the pay is better.  but, isn't that what we all are looking for?  and we never find?  there probably isn't such a job anymore.  maybe my problem is that I keep looking for a job like that. silly me.  silly yooz. 

Wednesday, Dec 4, 2013

mid-week.  and 3 weeks until Christmas.  I remember blogging in 2008 when I was off, and writing about the company parties you don't go to when you are not working...but, I don't go to them when I am working.  maybe it's just me, but I prefer not spending my free time socializing with people I would prefer not socializing with.  I have to work with these people enough hours in a week.  I would imagine the feeling is mutual too.  so, next Friday I will skip the party for the second year in a row.  the only reason I went before that is that they had the party in the building lobby.  yes, it was as tacky as it sounds.  but, a party is a party.  and next year I hope to be skipping the party of a different company.   

Tuesday, Dec 3, 2013

I have not blogged since Friday...I am falling down on the job.  sitting at home typing this waiting for the ATT guy to come hook up cable.  switching from WOW - big deal.  but, saving a buck here and there is now more important than it was before.  sad...someone my age worrying about saving a buck when there are so many pantloads that don't have to worry about money.  but, it is what it is.  as long as I have my health, I can't complain. the weather sucks.  I guess taking the clubs out of the trunk was a good move.  no more golf til April  it will be a long, crappy winter.  so - here I sit waiting for the cable guy.  what an exciting, productive way to spend time.