Sunday, Dec 8, 2013

still marching toward the shortest day....well, the day with the least daylight.  all days will still have 24 hrs, 12/21 will have the least hrs of daylight.  as it is now, the sun does not come up til almost 7 am.  once we hit 12/21, it will be 6 weeks or so until you can see the accumulated effect of adding 60 extra seconds of daylight per day.  kind of like our 401k....we put away a little each paycheck, but when we look at what it will pay for, we realize we cannot retire until we are 80.  unlike the pension hogs.  but that is another story.   that I have written about too many times.

tis the season.  I guess today is the day to get out all the Christmas decorations and put them up.  I am not really a Christmas fan, but will do the heavy lifting.  tis the season. 

other than that, what do you plan to accomplish today? 

btw - I switched cable providers this week.  you really feel cheated when you realize how much effort it took to memorize all the channels, and now you have to relearn all of them.  almost a reason not to switch cable companies. 


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