Dec 26, 2013

back to work.  the pagan world we live in allows no more than one day for us to observe a solemn Christian holiday.  this is the shithole this country and its moneygrubbers has become.

what a difference 5 years posting of Dec 26, 2008 was about not getting many gifts for Christmas.  no so this year.  I got a lot of very nice gifts.  but the holiday is still the enjoyable event for me...not the gifts.  and the holiday is here and gone far too quickly. 

a week or so ago, I tried to follow my son on twitter.  then yesterday I looked for him on twitter and saw I was blocked from following him.  because I had searched his name, I saw that an article was twitted about him on the bball team.  I was so proud...but why would he have not told me he was interviewed and the story was out there?  the next article written about me will be the first article written about me. 

i guess I will have to write one myself. 

back to work now, you slugs.


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