Thursday, Dec 19, 2013

a week from today houses will be littered with torn wrapping paper, empty boxes, pieces of ribbon, bows, etc.  Presents that were opened will be put away, never to be seen again, and about 4 weeks from now the credit card bills will arrive in the mail, and folks will wonder what they were thinking when they bought all those things.  but - It's Christmas time.

the uproar about the comments made by someone on Duck Dynasty is funny.  I haven't seen the show, but apparently it is very popular.

what happened to the first amendment?  why is it that the liberal, left media will seize upon comments made by anyone that anyone will recognize and use it to further their agenda.  why not just ignore those comments if you don't agree?  no...there must be demands for firings, reparations....

but this comment...not so much...

are we fucked, or what?


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