
Showing posts from July, 2009

Weds - July 29

Today while driving to work, I saw a former boss of mine crossing the street while I was stopped at a red light. Because it has been 4 years since we worked together, it took me a few seconds to verifiy that it was him. I rolled down the window and called him (good thing it was him). I gave him a ride to his office - where we had worked previously, and we caught up in those few minutes. He had left the company, moved to MN, and was now consulting. I had left the company, went to 2 more jobs, consulted, and was now at another company. Small world, huh? Nice to know that I worked for someone that I can still relate to so well. I have also spoken to a few currently unemployed former colleagues in the last few days. They remain much more upbeat that I would be if I was still off. I guess I was in that group of people that take it way too hard. At any rate, it was good to catch up with these guys, and to offer what I could. I have had lunch with these folks, and others, as we mad

Sunday, July 26

Beautiful summer day today. It won't be long and we'll be seeing leaves on the ground. soon it will be a year since I was laid off and started my odyssey from the depths of frustration to back to work. I spoke to a colleague that was let go before I was and he is still looking. He remarked about the caliber of unemployed/laid off HR professionals he is competing with for interviews and jobs. I am lucky to have found a good job that meets many of my criteria for a great job. I have a few days off banked, and am getting involved in a number of areas within the company. I try to do the things that you read about: visability, having a positive impact and helping other departments, doing whatever it takes. None of these are new skills, of course, but during these tough times, you need to keep that mindset, lest you be let go again. From what the business pages say, we are not at bottom yet. at any rate, all I can do is all I can do. and I will keep doing it. enjoy the day,

Sunday - July 19

I played golf this morning with the friend that I played with shortly after I got let go from my previous job. We had a good time playing today, (I was horrible) but playing that day last fall felt like I was playing with a piano on my back - trudging around the course, distracted, wanting to climb into a hole and hide. Today I was trying to golf (unsuccessfully) but at least enjoying the day and the game. For me, things are so much different then vs now. As I have written before, I know I took that time way too hard - and beat myself up regularly, and made sure I was always miserable. but to remove that one thing - unemployment, makes a world of difference. must be a lesson in there somewhere. I have been listening to some cds that were given to me about the magic of network marketing. I am still trying to find that plan B - but the security of a job and a paycheck introduce a degree of complacency that is hard to overcome. at least I finally started running a few days each we

July 15

The postings are certainly less frequent. During the unemployment days, I spent so many hours per day at the computer, the time I spent posting to this blog was a welcome respite from the drudgery of the job search. Very mentally cleansing as well. Now that I am working, I spend much less time chained to the computer desk. Certainly not a bad thing. I would surmise that so many professionals are at some state of the mental process of unemployment (anger, frustration, surrender, etc). When the president says that we have a "few more months of increasing unemployment", makes you wonder how many years he actually means. Well, at least the Goldman Sachs people will continue to get their obscene bonuses. I see through my Linkedin connections that colleagues continue to be downsized and starting their own journey into the abyss. I certainly wish them all well. In September, it will have been a year since I was downsized, and 6 months that I have been re-employed. Time sure

July 6

time sure flies. I was out working in the yard over the weekend, and it occured to me that the leaves will be falling before we know it. Although it is early July and we have a lot of summer yet, it will be fall in a heartbeat. I was playing golf with a friend yesterday and we got paired with 2 other guys. One guy had a standing tee time with 3 friends but had to drop it when 2 of his group lost their jobs. It never ends..... I was thinking back on my time off, and realized that my goal to best use the time was: - get in better shape - lose weight - develop a business plan to launch - read a few best sellers - etc of course, I did none of them. Lots of things I'd like to do don't cost anything - and nothing is stopping me from doing them now. so, I have to get started. have a good one.