Weds - July 29

Today while driving to work, I saw a former boss of mine crossing the street while I was stopped at a red light. Because it has been 4 years since we worked together, it took me a few seconds to verifiy that it was him. I rolled down the window and called him (good thing it was him). I gave him a ride to his office - where we had worked previously, and we caught up in those few minutes. He had left the company, moved to MN, and was now consulting. I had left the company, went to 2 more jobs, consulted, and was now at another company. Small world, huh? Nice to know that I worked for someone that I can still relate to so well.
I have also spoken to a few currently unemployed former colleagues in the last few days. They remain much more upbeat that I would be if I was still off. I guess I was in that group of people that take it way too hard. At any rate, it was good to catch up with these guys, and to offer what I could. I have had lunch with these folks, and others, as we made our way through the morass of the jobless situation. Of course, the job is just one element of a person's self, but a big element nonetheless. If you know of friends or acquaintences that are still idle, give them a call to chat, to offer what you know. They will appreciate it, no doubt. as my posts from last year will verify, I felt like I was on an island during that time, and always appreciated a call.

what a beautiful night. days are getting a bit shorter now. the lawn is doing its annual browning since I don't water it. before we know it, there will be some leaves on the ground.....but I am jumping ahead too far.

does anyone still read any of these posts? I don't hear much from readers or followers anymore - probably since my posts are so infrequent. your comments are welcome....not that I will stop ranting or anything :) A bright side of this blog is that I have rediscovered my love of writing. If I had a dime for every good plot I have had for the book I never wrote, I would have a few dimes, I suppose. I should put pen to paper one of these days and get started. after all, JR Rowling was living in her car before she started writing Harry Potter.

have a good one, all.


  1. Dave:

    Just a heads up, I am still reading your site from time to time. I actually just started a Google Reader account and have added you to my "reader" list. It's a nice way to manage blogs you'd like to frequent, but without having to open indivdual tabs/windows.

    Thanks again for sharing your experiences!

    Andre Sanders


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