Sunday, July 26

Beautiful summer day today. It won't be long and we'll be seeing leaves on the ground. soon it will be a year since I was laid off and started my odyssey from the depths of frustration to back to work. I spoke to a colleague that was let go before I was and he is still looking. He remarked about the caliber of unemployed/laid off HR professionals he is competing with for interviews and jobs. I am lucky to have found a good job that meets many of my criteria for a great job. I have a few days off banked, and am getting involved in a number of areas within the company. I try to do the things that you read about: visability, having a positive impact and helping other departments, doing whatever it takes. None of these are new skills, of course, but during these tough times, you need to keep that mindset, lest you be let go again. From what the business pages say, we are not at bottom yet.

at any rate, all I can do is all I can do. and I will keep doing it.

enjoy the day, all.


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