July 15

The postings are certainly less frequent. During the unemployment days, I spent so many hours per day at the computer, the time I spent posting to this blog was a welcome respite from the drudgery of the job search. Very mentally cleansing as well. Now that I am working, I spend much less time chained to the computer desk. Certainly not a bad thing. I would surmise that so many professionals are at some state of the mental process of unemployment (anger, frustration, surrender, etc). When the president says that we have a "few more months of increasing unemployment", makes you wonder how many years he actually means.
Well, at least the Goldman Sachs people will continue to get their obscene bonuses.
I see through my Linkedin connections that colleagues continue to be downsized and starting their own journey into the abyss. I certainly wish them all well. In September, it will have been a year since I was downsized, and 6 months that I have been re-employed. Time sure flies.


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