July 6

time sure flies. I was out working in the yard over the weekend, and it occured to me that the leaves will be falling before we know it. Although it is early July and we have a lot of summer yet, it will be fall in a heartbeat.
I was playing golf with a friend yesterday and we got paired with 2 other guys. One guy had a standing tee time with 3 friends but had to drop it when 2 of his group lost their jobs. It never ends.....

I was thinking back on my time off, and realized that my goal to best use the time was:
- get in better shape
- lose weight
- develop a business plan to launch
- read a few best sellers
- etc

of course, I did none of them. Lots of things I'd like to do don't cost anything - and nothing is stopping me from doing them now. so, I have to get started.

have a good one.


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