Sunday - July 19

I played golf this morning with the friend that I played with shortly after I got let go from my previous job. We had a good time playing today, (I was horrible) but playing that day last fall felt like I was playing with a piano on my back - trudging around the course, distracted, wanting to climb into a hole and hide. Today I was trying to golf (unsuccessfully) but at least enjoying the day and the game. For me, things are so much different then vs now. As I have written before, I know I took that time way too hard - and beat myself up regularly, and made sure I was always miserable. but to remove that one thing - unemployment, makes a world of difference. must be a lesson in there somewhere.

I have been listening to some cds that were given to me about the magic of network marketing. I am still trying to find that plan B - but the security of a job and a paycheck introduce a degree of complacency that is hard to overcome.

at least I finally started running a few days each week at 5:45 am - try that one yourself.


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