
Showing posts from December, 2018

December 31, 2018

Another week passed with no post.  I really have to get recharged.  I slowed down before Christmas when the job search became an exercise in futility.  Maybe next week things will pick up.  Maybe next week..... Doing nothing for new years eve.  I have never been a big fan of going out on this night.  Plenty of other nights to go out.  Plus, it has been raining all day.  But, better than snow.  I think I will call it a night early, get up on Jan 1, 2019 and start a new year.  I am not really sure what my resolutions would be; I have had a fair amount of self reckoning in the last year.  When you are 60, it is easy to look back on things you did when you were 35 and realize there was probably a better option.  But, so be it. Onward to 2019.

Tuesday, Dec 25, 2018

Merry Christmas.  I had a very nice day yesterday and today celebrating at my 2 brothers houses.  Nice to be welcomed and treated so well.  I seem to pick better siblings and in laws than I do other folks.  I haven't posted for a week.  I need to get back to writing.  My book was available on Kindle on Friday, and I need to work on a follow up. How else can I have my own section in the Dewey Decimal system?  I haven't watched a single hallmark Christmas movie.  I just haven't found that one magical plot.   Maybe not this year.  anyway, Merry Christmas to all

Monday, December 17, 2018

Guilty as charged...I have pretty much given up on the job search.  Sure, I send resumes to postings, but now I really don't give a crap.  my plans have changed.  and no one ever gets back to me. but what of the people who don't have that option?  I always read about how the job market would suck for a (gasp) 50yr old.  Imagine being 60.  but, such is life.  this too shall pass.  and hopefully I am playing golf in Florida next month.  and, of course, looking for a job to pay for better golf balls. funny story...I have a friend I worked with 20 yrs ago.  We stayed in touch off and on.  He called me to meet for dinner on Friday at a nice place.  My friend is from Russia, and his wife from the, we are having dinner and she asks how old I am...and I say 60.  And she says to her husband "maybe we can introduce him to my mother".  To which he says to her "Dave has had a bad year and we don't want to do that to him".  I sat there for a second,

Wednesday, Dec 12, 2018

Well, that was good to get past....Monday, clear liquids and bowel prep (ick).  Yesterday was the surgery.  The post op was rather uncomfortable, but today is not bad.  So now let the radioactive seeds kill the cancer.  It sounds easy enough.  still consider myself unbelievably fortunate for how the events played out.  and so thankful for the calls from friends and family.  My sister in law making meatballs, my bro dropping off food this weekend.  Many texts last night.  It really makes you appreciate all you have.  As I wrote about a year ago on this very blog..."Friends....I got Friends".  and I really do.  so now the focus can shift to job search, here and in Florida.  Glad to have that as my primary focus.  thanks again, friends and family.  Cancer is not so intimidating with support like I had.

Sunday, Dec 9, 2018

I haven't posted in over a week.  I am in a creative rut.  I am finishing Don't Be That Guy and it should be on Kindle in a few weeks.  But I haven't written anything new.  I am trying to start a new book called Zero to Sixty to Zero to Sixty.  I have a concept in my head, but getting it in words has been slow.  maybe this blog post will break the logjam in my head.  I am going to live it up today.  Starting tomorrow, clear liquids, then the cleanout process in the afternoon, then the procedure Tuesday morning.  It will be good to get that done.  I am going to see my granddaughter today because after the procedure I can't hold a baby or be near a pregnant woman for 90 days.  consider yourselves warned.  Bears game tonight should be good. My lease is up Jan 20.  about 5 weeks til hitting the road for Florida.