Monday, December 17, 2018

Guilty as charged...I have pretty much given up on the job search.  Sure, I send resumes to postings, but now I really don't give a crap.  my plans have changed.  and no one ever gets back to me.

but what of the people who don't have that option?  I always read about how the job market would suck for a (gasp) 50yr old.  Imagine being 60.  but, such is life.  this too shall pass.  and hopefully I am playing golf in Florida next month.  and, of course, looking for a job to pay for better golf balls.

funny story...I have a friend I worked with 20 yrs ago.  We stayed in touch off and on.  He called me to meet for dinner on Friday at a nice place.  My friend is from Russia, and his wife from the, we are having dinner and she asks how old I am...and I say 60.  And she says to her husband "maybe we can introduce him to my mother".  To which he says to her "Dave has had a bad year and we don't want to do that to him". 

I sat there for a second, and then I HAD to say "listen, I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge that comment as quite funny" (maybe I put it into different words).  Well played, Alex...well played.


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