December 31, 2018

Another week passed with no post.  I really have to get recharged.  I slowed down before Christmas when the job search became an exercise in futility.  Maybe next week things will pick up.  Maybe next week.....

Doing nothing for new years eve.  I have never been a big fan of going out on this night.  Plenty of other nights to go out.  Plus, it has been raining all day.  But, better than snow.  I think I will call it a night early, get up on Jan 1, 2019 and start a new year.  I am not really sure what my resolutions would be; I have had a fair amount of self reckoning in the last year.  When you are 60, it is easy to look back on things you did when you were 35 and realize there was probably a better option.  But, so be it.

Onward to 2019.


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