Wednesday, Dec 12, 2018

Well, that was good to get past....Monday, clear liquids and bowel prep (ick).  Yesterday was the surgery.  The post op was rather uncomfortable, but today is not bad.  So now let the radioactive seeds kill the cancer.  It sounds easy enough. 

still consider myself unbelievably fortunate for how the events played out.  and so thankful for the calls from friends and family.  My sister in law making meatballs, my bro dropping off food this weekend.  Many texts last night.  It really makes you appreciate all you have.  As I wrote about a year ago on this very blog..."Friends....I got Friends".  and I really do. 

so now the focus can shift to job search, here and in Florida.  Glad to have that as my primary focus. 

thanks again, friends and family.  Cancer is not so intimidating with support like I had.


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