
Showing posts from September, 2010

Mon, Sept. 27

Hard to believe that October begins on Friday. I did one of my favorite fall things yesterday - we went to the world's largest corn field maze in Spring Grove. It was a nice cool day and we walked for about 2 hours. We probably didn't walk over 25% of the maze, which is 10 miles. It is an outing that we have been doing for the last 6 years or so. Each year is a different theme. Now that we've done that, all that remains for my fall list is to rake the leaves and seal the driveway. We probably have 6 weeks left to play golf. I remember playing last November for the last time, and getting 10 inches of snow 2 weeks after that last round. I bought new irons this year, and have been playing better, but still cannot get in the 80s. But, it has been an enjoyable season. Lots of early morning rounds. so - the lunch hour is about over. back to work now.

Friday, Sept. 24

TGIF. Fridays are always good. Although I did play golf yesterday afternoon. It is now officially fall - very hot and sunny while we played, and it turns to dusk on the ride home. We probably have 6 weeks before the clubs get put away. and then the shovels come out. Talked to a friend the other night that had been off when I was, and landed before I did. His job was cut again 2 weeks ago. It never ends. I still know too many people searching. Having a job makes you ignore how bad things still are - but they really are no better than when I was off 18 months ago. With the elections coming, all the political rhteoric is just empty talk. You wonder what it will take to get things moving in the right direction. so, the weekend is almost here. Plenty of work to do outside, and football to watch. October starts next Friday - I can't believe how time flies. D

Monday, Sept 13

Monday - back to work, and a beautiful day. Fall is about here - sun comes up much later in the am, and it gets dark ealier. As I posted earlier, it is now 2 years since I was laid off. Hard to believe how quickly 2 years can pass by. I am now 52 yrs old. Middle age, I guess. I got the statement from the investment advisor I recently moved to, and I haven't got enough for one year of retirement, let alone an extended period. Like almost everyone, I lost about 30% of my 401k when the marked tanked - the month after I got laid off. When it rains it pours. Speaking or rain, my son's football game was played in a pretty good rainstorm on Saturday. By season's end, they will be playing in cold weather. It makes me proud to see my son try so hard at something. He really takes it seriously. I was dropping off my entry fee for a football pool and asked the friend who runs the pool about his job - his response was that he had just been laid off. My neighbor across the s

Sept. 3

Labor day weekend. Weather is starting to feel like fall. Daylight is later now, and it gets darker earlier. Where did the summer go? College football starts this weekend, and NFL next weekend. It was about 2 yrs ago that I got laid off, which precipitated starting this blog. seems like yesterday, and seems like a lifetime ago. I still know more than a few colleagues that are looking for work, and can empathize. Those that I talk to seem to be more tolerant of the situation than I was. but I suppose they have their moments as well. Economy still is very bad. To the point that it is not even news anymore. When I drove to Canada 4 weeks ago I can recall seeing almost no Winnebagos on the road. Used to be you'd see quite a few. I guess no one is buying them and those that have them cannot afford to take vacations. unless you are a politician, anyway. so, time marches on. almost time to start getting ready for fall - finding the rakes, putting away the summer tools. toma