Friday, Sept. 24

TGIF. Fridays are always good. Although I did play golf yesterday afternoon. It is now officially fall - very hot and sunny while we played, and it turns to dusk on the ride home. We probably have 6 weeks before the clubs get put away. and then the shovels come out.
Talked to a friend the other night that had been off when I was, and landed before I did. His job was cut again 2 weeks ago. It never ends. I still know too many people searching.
Having a job makes you ignore how bad things still are - but they really are no better than when I was off 18 months ago. With the elections coming, all the political rhteoric is just empty talk. You wonder what it will take to get things moving in the right direction.
so, the weekend is almost here. Plenty of work to do outside, and football to watch. October starts next Friday - I can't believe how time flies.


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