Sept. 3

Labor day weekend. Weather is starting to feel like fall. Daylight is later now, and it gets darker earlier. Where did the summer go? College football starts this weekend, and NFL next weekend.
It was about 2 yrs ago that I got laid off, which precipitated starting this blog. seems like yesterday, and seems like a lifetime ago. I still know more than a few colleagues that are looking for work, and can empathize. Those that I talk to seem to be more tolerant of the situation than I was. but I suppose they have their moments as well.
Economy still is very bad. To the point that it is not even news anymore. When I drove to Canada 4 weeks ago I can recall seeing almost no Winnebagos on the road. Used to be you'd see quite a few. I guess no one is buying them and those that have them cannot afford to take vacations. unless you are a politician, anyway.
so, time marches on. almost time to start getting ready for fall - finding the rakes, putting away the summer tools. tomato plants are all but done at this point.


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