
Showing posts from December, 2009

Dec 27

Back to work tomorrow. I was in Wal Mart this morning and saw a friend of mine there. He had been downsized last December, and we talked about his search. His description of the process is so similar to that I hear from others; minimal jobs to submit to, no professional consideration in the process, etc. No different from my own experiences last year. Actually, the folks I have spoken to of late all seem to be in a better mindset than I was, or they are just better at masking their true feelings. At any rate, good luck to all in the new year. I am sitting here watching some trash golf skills competition - the weather looks nice wherever they are. I have run my snowblower 4 times in the last 2 days. I'm sick of winter and it's not even January yet. My feet are still frozen - I guess I shouldn't wear running shoes when working in the snow. have a good evening, all. D

Dec 26

Well, that went by quickly. Christmas was here and gone before I knew it. Another short work week, then all we have left is a lot more winter. Since I don't do any outdo0r winter sports anymore, it is a long wait for golf season. I have heard from more than a few former colleagues who are in the market. They are from a few of my past organizations, so I suppose no place is immune. I've met with a few and offered what little insight I could, but more importantly, shared that I was in the same frustrating, bleak place that they are now at. As others told me, and I now tell the downsized - "things will change". It sounds so empty and unencouraging, but it is the truth. But you sure can't take that to the bank, or pay your mortgage with it. really snowing out there today. luckily, I'm off tomorrow, so I can run the snowblower then. have a good day

Christmas Eve

What a difference a year makes. Last year, Christmas was not a time to celebrate nor feel good. It was a reinforcement that I had no job and nothing in the works. It was so frustrating to have no money and way too much time on my hands. This year we bought a bit more, and all practical gifts, but there are more of them than last year. This year, I know a lot of folks in the same boat that I was in last year. I try to share my experience with them, and do what I can to help, since I remember how grateful I was when someone made that same gesture to me. What I remember about the holiday season last year is that I was really glad when it was over. But that was then....... Merry Christmas to all

Dec 19

Time marches on - it always does. Things are different this year since I am working. We had our company party last night. I am fortunate to be at a company that still had a party. That was the one thing that was so obviously missing last year when I was off - the decorated office, hearing the plans of coworkers, all the other things that go along with the season. I have many friends and colleagues in that situation this year. They say that hiring will pick up in Q1, but who knows. I still remember thinking things would pick up after the 2008 presidential election and they never did. In a few months, I will have been at this company a year. It is amazing what the right job will do for you mentally. So the key is to keep looking for that right job. Of course, there are times when any job is the right job, so that is the one that we all need, right? Have a good weekend, all.