Dec 19

Time marches on - it always does. Things are different this year since I am working. We had our company party last night. I am fortunate to be at a company that still had a party. That was the one thing that was so obviously missing last year when I was off - the decorated office, hearing the plans of coworkers, all the other things that go along with the season. I have many friends and colleagues in that situation this year. They say that hiring will pick up in Q1, but who knows. I still remember thinking things would pick up after the 2008 presidential election and they never did.
In a few months, I will have been at this company a year. It is amazing what the right job will do for you mentally. So the key is to keep looking for that right job. Of course, there are times when any job is the right job, so that is the one that we all need, right?
Have a good weekend, all.


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