Dec 27

Back to work tomorrow. I was in Wal Mart this morning and saw a friend of mine there. He had been downsized last December, and we talked about his search. His description of the process is so similar to that I hear from others; minimal jobs to submit to, no professional consideration in the process, etc. No different from my own experiences last year. Actually, the folks I have spoken to of late all seem to be in a better mindset than I was, or they are just better at masking their true feelings. At any rate, good luck to all in the new year.

I am sitting here watching some trash golf skills competition - the weather looks nice wherever they are. I have run my snowblower 4 times in the last 2 days. I'm sick of winter and it's not even January yet. My feet are still frozen - I guess I shouldn't wear running shoes when working in the snow.

have a good evening, all.



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