Monday, May 9, 2022

 Spring has finally arrived.  For a change, it's not cold and raining.  Supposed to be in the 80s this week, so golf season has arrived as well.

I'm waiting for a phone interview in 20 minutes.  It may be that I have grown accustomed to not working, but there are very few roles that I have interviewed for that I would actually want to do.  Working downtown is a definite no....and really, a non remote role is a probable no.  In years past, I would take any job if I was unemployed.  I was on the front lines of the great resignation.  

so, will have my phone screen, then will get on my routine.  Which is not doing much.  I did a brief workout at the health club earlier.  I really have to do more when I go, as my weight continues to go the wrong direction.  

but, such is life.  now excuse me while I wait for the call that will change my life.  lol


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