Tuesday, Sept 27

some things are just to precious for words.....take this story about the budget hole that Illinois is in...


here is a quote from a union spokesman about what needs to be done so we, the taxpayer, can continue to be forcibly ass raped into providing ridiculous pensions:

AFSCME wants to amend the Illinois Constitution, replacing the state's flat tax with a graduated income tax. All who now pay tax hand over 5 percent of their income. The union envisions high-earners paying a lot more.

"We need to look at a progressive amendment to the constitution that will allow the state to tax the rich, make the wealthy pay their fair share for the first time," AFSCME spokesperson Anders Lindall said. "We could also look at corporate income taxes. Right now, many small businesses feel that the tax burden falls too heavily on them."

So, the very group that says the constitution cannot be changed because it mandates that no pension shall be reduced are saying that the constitution should be changed so these slobs can continue to be pension hogs at our expense.  I can't wait until the pension fund is insolvent and those whining pantloads stop getting paid.

Maybe Gov. Fudd Quinn solved all the problems with his trip to China...I would imagine the press conference post-trip went something like this:

Reporter: "so, Gov. Quinn, did you get loans and develop trade agreements with China?"
Quinn: "I couldn't - the first day there I got my fingers stuck in a Chinese Finger Trap and it took me 2 weeks to get freed".

Oh, and the city of Chicago is proposing a dozen ways for us to pay more (Lake Shore Drive tolls...sure) to support their merry band of pension thieves.

I hope you are as enraged about this pension hole as I am...

Illinios...ahead of the curve in swirling lower in the toilet...


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