
Showing posts from May, 2022

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

 The national news has been dominated today with the story of the mass shooting at a Texas grammar school.  So sad, I can't imagine how horrible that is for the kids and parents.   enough said... The season of Survivor ended tonight.  I know I have written of Survivor in years past.  I watch it because I always watch it.  The scenery looks good on the tv, and it doesn't require much thinking.  I suppose that is why people watch it.   The show Alone starts a new season tomorrow.  That is a good show if you like the outdoors, and I do like the outdoors.   I've had a few interviews of late.  and like always, get ghosted.  So I will continue to enjoy not working.  My master plan is to win the lottery.  and I will. Memorial Day is this Monday.  soon it will be June.  And at the end of July we go fishing for the 40th anniversary of the first trip.  My 50 yr grammar school reunion is in a few weeks.  So strange to be talking of life events 40 and 50 years ago.  I have far more san

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

 and so it goes.... I went to the par 3 golf course today with the intent to walk the 1.3 mile trail around it.  after getting there, I realized I would rather practice putting on the practice green, which I did, and failed miserably.  It's a tough green to putt. as I headed back to my car with putter in hand, a guy putting his clubs back in is trunk says "that's a tough green to putt, huh? I stopped to talk golf, and see he has a Buffalo Grove HS shirt on....and I have a BGHS  shirt on (I'm slumming today).  So we talk golf, and I say "nice shirt" ...and he asks what my connection is to BGHS.  I tell him my kids went there and Dave played bball..and he says he is a gym coach and remembers Dave. Nice to hear he remembered Dave for the right reasons.   I texted this to Dave about meeting him, and Dave responded he was a good coach and very motivational.  it was cool to meet a random dude in the parking lot of a golf course on a nice spring day.  randomly.  the

Monday, May 9, 2022

 Spring has finally arrived.  For a change, it's not cold and raining.  Supposed to be in the 80s this week, so golf season has arrived as well. I'm waiting for a phone interview in 20 minutes.  It may be that I have grown accustomed to not working, but there are very few roles that I have interviewed for that I would actually want to do.  Working downtown is a definite no....and really, a non remote role is a probable no.  In years past, I would take any job if I was unemployed.  I was on the front lines of the great resignation.   so, will have my phone screen, then will get on my routine.  Which is not doing much.  I did a brief workout at the health club earlier.  I really have to do more when I go, as my weight continues to go the wrong direction.   but, such is life.  now excuse me while I wait for the call that will change my life.  lol

Thursday, May 5, 2022

 Happy Cinco de Mayo.  another meaningless invented holiday used as an excuse to drink.  Americans are so gullible.   I missed posting in April.  And now 2022 is over 33% elapsed.  We go fishing in 11 weeks.  As I have posted before, as much as I like going to Canada, I don't like that week coming so soon since it underscores how quicky a year passes.   I went to the Sox/Cubs game last night.  It was 40 degrees.  We haven't had much of a spring yet.  The 3 times we golfed were wet and cold.  Hopefully spring springs soon. I met a friend for breakfast this morning, so I have to delay the health club an hour or so.  Then I will go to xsport and not do much.