Wednesday, May 25, 2022

 The national news has been dominated today with the story of the mass shooting at a Texas grammar school.  So sad, I can't imagine how horrible that is for the kids and parents.  

enough said...

The season of Survivor ended tonight.  I know I have written of Survivor in years past.  I watch it because I always watch it.  The scenery looks good on the tv, and it doesn't require much thinking.  I suppose that is why people watch it.  

The show Alone starts a new season tomorrow.  That is a good show if you like the outdoors, and I do like the outdoors.  

I've had a few interviews of late.  and like always, get ghosted.  So I will continue to enjoy not working.  My master plan is to win the lottery.  and I will.

Memorial Day is this Monday.  soon it will be June.  And at the end of July we go fishing for the 40th anniversary of the first trip.  My 50 yr grammar school reunion is in a few weeks.  So strange to be talking of life events 40 and 50 years ago.  I have far more sand in the bottom of the hour glass than the top.  

But I still have sand.  As long as I have sand, I'm fine. 


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