Friday, June 7, 2019

I haven't written much, other than cover letters lately.  The fellow job seekers I know are having the same lack of success, so I guess it is not just me.  I have been getting help from Jim, a fellow seeker, on my resume and job search strategy.  It is very important to have a supportive friend, whether it is for a job search, or for any of life's challenges.  If you do not have one, find one.   Two smart people can attack a problem with more than double the fury and twice the chance of success, than one person can.

It is hot every day in Florida.  But, I much prefer the heat to the cold.  My job search is targeting both South Florida and Chicago.  I don't plan to cast a wider net than that.  Hopefully one of these days a job will come through.  Until then, I will keep at it.

because, what choice do we have, right?  gotta keep grinding.


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